This is the youngerest brother. The double size bigger than his other sibling, and most cute one. Look like hippo.
Do anyone want adopt a little puppy just born 3 days ago? 2 male and 2 female. Only for those who will take care and love them even after they grow up, not just love them only when they stil baby and look cute. Thos who really wish have a dog and manage to take care of them please contact me @ 有 没有人想要领养才出世3 天的小狗狗? 两只雌,两只雄的. 不是什么所谓的名种狗, 可是一样会是我们的好朋友. 超可爱. 对了, 谢绝那些只爱小狗而不爱大狗的人士. 小狗小时固然可爱好玩, 大了就献麻烦, 丢到路上流浪或锁在笼里, 这些人真不是人, 没人性, 不负责任! 假如你真的爱狗狗, 想要他陪伴你, 和想要照顾他的, 请EMAIL我 @
The yellow baby and the one sleep at the middle are sister, the dark brown baby who nap at right side are brother.
Hey~ of cos there's adult piano courses available. You can look for personal tutors or go to music school such as IMH (opposite Courts) or any music school of your prefrences :D
I would like to adopt the puppy, but at my place I already have two dog :(
hope someone nice will adpot them.
Thats good to make it 3 and become a gang. So that no theft dare go to your house. :P
Hey~ of cos there's adult piano courses available. You can look for personal tutors or go to music school such as IMH (opposite Courts) or any music school of your prefrences :D
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