Monday, April 24, 2006
My Birthday Treat @ The Junk
Thanks to Ah Fei, Chi hong, Helen, Gek Joo and especially Miaw just back from Taiwan. The night was full of joy and happiness, because you all are so "8". And Miaw welcome back to kuching, wish you get a job ASAP and dont just play around everyday!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Airport-Road Tree Disaster
One day sooner our beautiful kuching will become another Kuala Lumpur city, prosperous but dirty and pollution and well cover by "concrete jungle". At those time, the fresh air, clear blue sky and green scenery will just a memory.
Just want to say "Please!" for those politician and government, in terms of development also don't forget to take care of our environment. One day, it is too late for us regret... ...
I thankful for those who suggest and develop the fly-over road to reduce the traffic jam and make convenience for people. But please do care about the environment too!
Friday, April 21, 2006
我一直都很喜欢这条从飞机场直通到桑路的这条马路, 因为两旁都长了高大茂盛的老树. 每次上班还是回家, 我都爱驾这条路, 虽然我可以选择KUCHING-BY-PASS这一条会更近些. 我也偏爱到GREEN HEIGHT 那排店的 "新长春茶室" 用餐,虽然它那里的"叻沙"好吃, 可最主要是因为它座落在那条路旁, 坐在那和咖啡还可望向路旁的一片绿意. 无论晴天的耀眼新绿还是雨天的朦朦诗意都很美.
政府为了解决交通阻塞问题也是为了人民好, 可是就为什么不要把大树挖起来移种? 很多国家都这么做成(包括澳洲), 虽然会比较费时, 费用也较高一点, 可也是值得. 想想一棵树要多漫长的岁月才能长得这么高这么大? 本州森林里的大树都被大肆砍伐, 难道一些城里美化大树也都不可以费一点心保护? 口口声声说要迈向花园城市, 可所作所为却向目标背道而驰. 难不成有一天要发展成像KL那样繁荣却乌烟瘴气? 成天都发展有利可图的工程, 美化环境也不过是建造一些没有生机的洋灰. 我每次跟朋友说, 去了那么多地方, 还是古晋最好, 一下飞机看出外面就决得空气特别潮湿, 视觉特别的FRESH. 可我想十年后我得改口了... ... 可悲.
经常看报都有哪为政治人物在进行种小树仪式, 还鼓吹大家每家都要种树, 好像在给人看他多爱护环境, 在为后代着想, 可是却总是上演假他人之手在毁灭大树. 我呸!!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
New Kayak Arriving!!
Hurray!!! We have buy a kayak home, and every weekend when we are free we can go to kayaking. Good to lose weight too! We buy it from the shop locate at 31/2mile. At 1st the taukei offer RM3200 for this pelican 2 seater sit on kayak from canada, then we "kill" the price to RM2500, and the Taukei not argue much then we DUE!!
So happy lah! This weekend i and hian must go to "openning ceremony" of our kayak! will plan a place and also will sacrifice my this weekend duty... hi hi hi....... :)
Just arrive home, thank you brother gu
Unload from lori of gu
Temporary put it at living room, such a big thing... got to think about where to store it.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
今天在office收到了一份DAP的传单, 起初接过来心中是有那么点的不以为意,不就是大选来临的宣传战嘛... ... 可是当我把手头上的工作忙完在那来看时, 心中不禁也喝了声采, 批得真好! 恰恰把我心中的不满也给表达出来.
本 身也只是个受薪人士, 在政府的经济游戏里也深受起害.办法想想以前我的车打满一桶油也不过40余零吉, 现在却要上百零吉. 在外面用餐不管吃什么喝什么都要多付几角钱. 百货日用品更在不知不觉中悄然调高了价格. 政府自己先涨了价, 事后却假腥腥在各大报张放话说商家不许涨价, 不可以雪上加霜. 扪心自问, 在这人人自保的时代, 政府丢了个炸弹给人民, 大家能逃就逃, 有谁愿意坐以待毙? 商家也不过是受到了波折, 只求自保罢了. 剩下我门这些受薪的, 跑不了, 逃不掉, 自得被这炸弹轰炸... ... 谁是始作蛹者? 不必明言了. 喂! 当政的, 你们是为人命工作的, 你作为人民代表要为人民利益着想,均沾而不是自己的荷包, 自己的利益. 难道你们不懂国家=人民?? 你们只不过是人民的工人, 别总把我们当奴隶看待.
撇开这起汽油事件不谈, 其实我们一直处在积不民主的国家. 我们买的汽车特别贵, 都是因为政府为了要保护国产车, 垄断了市场, 从而也在进口车牟了好大笔的利润. 不是我们不自持国货, 实在是因为国产车不长进, 不求进步. 很多人民买了一次就不感在买第二次, 心痛把血汗钱花费在不值得的物品上.
累了, 实在太多要说. 总之请别再戴上民主的假面具, 因为一点都不配! 还有那些顽固, 食古不化的人民啊, 请看清实情的真相, 看清局势, 与其短暂的辛苦换来长久的快乐, 不值吗??
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
共有3条大鱼2条小鱼, 还有很多小鱼給朋友了
二哥今天钓鱼回来了! 星期一那天他从 "KAMPUNG TELAGA AIR" 出发到南中国海上去钓鱼, 本想那天就把车丢在码头跳上船和他们一起去出海的, 可就是妈妈跟着去阻止我. 时间一眨眼二哥就回来了. 我上去载他和另一个朋友回, 当他们把鱼箱扛上车是, 我就跑去打开来看看二个钓到什么鱼, 谁知一看之下都是小鱼, 我脱口而出就喊说 "出海去怎么都只钓到小鱼??", 后来才知道那个是二哥朋友的鱼箱, 和二哥的一样颜色和款式....... 真不好意思......
二哥的收获还不赖, 虽不至于满载而归, 可也掉到了几尾中大鱼, 够让全家今晚尝鲜. (在此想表明立场, 本身并不欣赏和不自持垂钓, 觉得是把快乐建立在痛苦和死亡上, 是很残忍的一门休闲活动, 可亲近大海却是本人非常乐意去做的事
Monday, April 17, 2006
上星期的一个雨天( 忘了是星期几, 只知道下整天的雨 ), 跑到BDC大众书局去看书( 偷懒 ). 就发现了这么一本书, 本身也是对灵异的东西很感兴趣于是就买了回家看, 希望可以透过本书多了解另一个世界多一点, 也很想知道"鬼"到底是怎么样的.
最近都在"拼"这本书, 在床上晚晚都读到凌晨方休, 终于也让我给读完了. 这是一本很有意思的书, 该书的主角也就是刑渲天生就是个阴阳眼, 而且随着年龄的增长还能凭慧眼看见人的前世因和今世将要发生的果. 本书是一名热心的刑渲支持者也是一名时报记者, 在经过了三年的时间才得到刑渲的同意出书. 作者是事先让刑渲录音再整理结辑成书的.
关于刑渲, 我后来才发现原来我之前在台湾的电视台就有看过她一系列的节目, 很多人都上节目找她帮忙, 而她只要透过那人的名字和八字就能告诉那人的前世因和今世果. 往往那些找她解答的人, 听了她的话都感动流泪. 原来很多人的性格都是前世的因塑造成的, 而本身的性格会把人的行为, 生活推着走, 主宰了大部分的命运. 天生就可以看到不同世界的刑渲, 從小時候跟一般孩子有着不一樣的際遇到現在在幫別人解決問題, 真让我觉得是天将要降重任予她, 就必先劳其筋骨. 而让刑渲解决问题的和受恩于刑渲的实在数不清, 让我也好想见一见她, 也让她为我解答我的心结.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Kampung Telaga Air 游 :P
这么晚了我还不想睡, 不是思念某人睡不着, 而是这几天都过得好充实, 好开心. 快! 好想快快把开心的时光给记录下来. 星期五那天是耶苏受难日, 我虽然不信教的, 却也承蒙他的伟大牺牲让我们能在繁忙的生活多给了一天的假期! 好感恩哦! :)我睡到了十点多才爬起来,悠哉到咖啡店用了早点,就说好说歹的把我的哥哥们给"骗"去远足.
本来讲好要去"马当"爬山的,可是大家都没穿运动 鞋就只好作罢,一转头就直驱"KAMPUNG TELAGA AIR" (水井村). 其实它只是一个小鱼村, 只不过想出南中国海钓鱼的发烧友都会在这里租船出海. 二哥就是其中一个, 明天17号他就和朋友在那出海钓鱼了! 可我费尽唇舌他就是不肯带我去... ... 说什么不钓鱼的人不可同船, 否则会连累其他船员钓不到鱼. (可我知道啦, 他不肯是因为妈妈会担心我, 可凡事都要有开头的第一次...嘻嘻...... 我会自己去找人一起出的! 等着瞧哦!)
这里的风景还算怡人, 坐在岸边的老树下还真不想走耶, 吹着凉凉的海风, 看着垂钓和出海的人,真想去度假喔! 坐了一阵, 看见有一群人从远远的对岸坐船过来, 忍不住自己就跑下去和船夫杀了价也跳上船驶去彼岸, 来回只载我一人, 才10零吉而已耶! 原来对岸是"KAMPUNG SIBUR LAUT" (南中国海村), 听起来好有气派的一个岛村, 原来才住着20来户人家. (船夫告诉我的).
整个下午就坐在树荫下聊天, 吃当地马来同胞售卖的传统零食, 大概3点多时,就上车回家了. 一直到了家还全身懒懒的, 因为那儿太让人身心都舒服轻松.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Little Puppy open his eye already
The little puppy and his another 3 sibling open their eyes few days ago. But they still cannot see things clearly, their eyes was a bit grey grey, may be wait until the eyes was whole black, then can see completely. The time they can see and walk properly is the time they seperate with their mummy and us.... so sad... ...
Puppy u look preplexed, worry about your future is it?
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
The fishing trip of Sejijak
Santubong Trip
Last Sunday morning me, Lucian and bro Hin go to the Santubong Suites to see the Show units. We move at about 10 morning after our breakfast at BDC Expert Food Court. The Santubong Suites is a really nice place to build a home there, Everyday look at the ocean and greenary, see the sunrise and down and see the stary night view.....
The layout and interior of the unit just nice, a lot of window bring in the sunshine and sea breeze, and feel spacious. The price also reasonable, just that the maintainance fee is too high. RM0.25 cent per square feet. And theres are small swimming pool, small gym room with only 4 to 5 equipment. Remember our apartment at KL, prime area with full condo facilities include suana, tennis court, squash court, gym room, swimming pool, BBQ garden, etc... The maintenance fee only RM0.18 cent per square feet. A little bit sayang la for the Santubong Suites.
Home Make "Chai Kueh" (Vege Dumpling)
The ready-eat dumpling after the 15 minutes steam
Friday, April 07, 2006
The Unbeat Restaurant of mine
The next day, brother hin treat us at The Junk. This is the restaurant that same taukei as bla bla bla and even same as in delicious of food. Never bored about this place, good food and so many antique around, may be a bit mess but like the feeling.
My dearest mom keep on smiling all the night.
Brother Yu who always stick with his girl friend. hehehe.....
My Birthday
04/04/2006 is my birthday in chinese calender. At the begining i planning to treat my family have dinner at bla bla bla. But unfortunately its close on tuesday, waste my energy to call the business phone whole afternoon. Then decide treat at flavourz which locate at travillion. Its the 1st time i go to flavourz because Hian tell me the foods there are not bad. But....... I DONT THINK SO! The duck are too fat and only 4, 5 pieces, no meat at all!! The lamb chop and lamb shanks are over pickle, but the salmon fish fillet and salmon chop are nice. Well.... Its spend RM405.00 for 7 person but stil half-full. Hahaha..........
The shop in morden setup, clean and nice atmosphere.
I've finish it by myself! haha... (kidding)
My yummy yummy holick cheese cake.Opps! hey! im only 25yo not 26!