Hurray!! DAP Pending, Batu Lintang, Kota Sentosa, Meradong Rocket Succesfully launched. And Kedilan win in Padungan area!
I do not really expect there will be a big change in the near future, may be worse due to government neglect, but at least there will be an opposition voice, but not dictatorship.
A totally Democratic country is not easy to achieve, it needs many years of consciousness and tough fight.
AddOil Malaysian! Go for the brighter future!
BYE BYE... Rest peacefully...

for me i tink both BN n DAP are 2 cacat chicken, DAP is the chicken with one leg, and BN is the chicken with 3 legs, so for me, iz safer to get more stability
iz nice for some DAP to get into DUN, but wad can they actually do? they can decrease the petrol price?
the majority vote in DUN is still BN, n all those important areas r now in charged by DAP, then how are them really going to fight for the goodies..since BN is over 2/3 inside?
peace out
有时候我会对别人的嘲笑感到飘飘然,因为我觉得那是一种赞美,因为你做了他们所不敢做的事情。。。。。。所以,我做事从不管人家的看法的。。。。jz dream....!u can say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one.... :p
DAP won. It's a good news for many people, even to those who do not vote. People are talking about it everywhere. What can DAP do? We'll see. For sure, a better job than SUPP did. Yes, they are few, but they are not useless. Let their work prove how good they can do, in future. Cheers!
When i am young (anyway, i still not too old). A lot of things i donno, a lot of things i just see the skin deep and i thought i know all. When get involve in the social, working, see a lot of thing, my vision wider and my opinion change.
Yes, there are not much to do when we in a cage. But will you do nothing and just waiting?? At least we try, we do something, no matter how much we get, but we try...
Dont simply satisfy with the current situation if you are looking for growth and prosperous in future. Dont be so innocent and not discover the truth. Things look peaceful on the surface but there are hidden surge indeed.
Feel satisfy and comfort wont push you forward but pull you backward.
iz useless to talk here
iz a must for us to follow the trend of the whole nation, not tat u not happy with the government, then u rule out them.
imagine a DAP stand in DUN n shout out the problem, he will still been ruled out by the majority vote of BN, wadz the point then?
nth much we can see
wait for the terrible 5 years for kch
peace out.
eh dun feel bad bout this.
jus wanna voice out eh
Shyang, at least we have someone in the DUN to voice out all the problems... it is up to the government to solve it or ignore it. hummm...
when DAP Chong win the seat last time, many ppl will think there will be NO development for Padungan but as you can see, it is still being develop although he win the seat 3 years ago..:) even the BN is scared of him now....if they not scare of him, they will put the AY at Kota Sentosa not Batu Kawah as Batu Kawah is a SUPP strong hold.
It is good for a little change. I don care who the win the election, the outcome is always the same...unless DAP formed the Gorvement, then i think i will be a little worried.... as Federal Gorvement will not work with Opposition party(source from Borneo Post)
哈哈... 对了!这就是成熟人讲的话.
有远见,而又不是空谈. 观点中庸,也不偏袒.
给你100分, kristopher!
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