Wednesday, August 09, 2006


在网上看看见了这张图片, 很有感觉. 会不会觉得我们都是小丑? 人生就是舞台, 打从出世就哭着为来到这世界而哀悼, 可我们切要笑着过每一天. 愿不愿意, 相不相信都要任命运的安排, 像小丑一样, 一来到舞台上就要在灯光下一直表演, 卖力的喜怒哀乐直到精疲力竭方休.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Visit Dophin @ Pasir Pandak 海豚的懈逅

上 个星期天, 我们再次踏上PASIR PANDAK 这片沙滩. 随行的还有刚回来的准新郎三哥. 中午时分我们一行五人绑了KAYAK上车就浩浩荡荡的启程了. 到达沙滩时大概是一点左右, 空中艳阳高挂, 连沙都热得烫人. 海面一片风平浪静, 却也多了好几艘垂钓的小船只.

不到黄河心不死的我, 由于上次没见着海豚, 赶紧穿上了救生衣, 一股脑儿的坐进KAYAK里就和贤开始划向海中央. 才离开岸上不是很远, 就让我看见了一群海豚在戏水, 兴奋的感觉就不必形容了. 海豚在电视里看得麻木了, 自己亲自在海上划船, 再和海豚来个最亲密的接触 (呵呵...有点夸张), 你说能不兴奋吗? 那群海豚总是跟着鱼船, 吃捕鱼人扔掉的小鱼, 一跃一跃的, 偶尔还喷水呼吸呢!

三哥第一次到这里来看海豚, 竟也被他看见了好几只在戏水, 实在有够幸运. 只有那二哥, 大从出门就投诉肚子不爽快, 到了沙滩沙都不踏一步, 就倒在车斗呼噜呼噜的睡到我们回来, 然后睡眼惺松的跟我们说海风真的很凉快, 好舒服. -_- 气死我了!



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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Borneo Highland Hot Spring ( 温泉 )

中午一时许和贤带了替换衣物和水就跳上车向婆罗洲高原路的温泉出发. 今天天气特别的好, 可称得上风和日丽. 沿途一路来经过了一重有一重的山, 每次来到了婆罗洲高原的这条路, 我都不禁的神驰在这里的群山景色中. 这条路再长再崎岖, 我都不会厌倦.

大约半个小时的车程, 我们经过了婆罗洲高原度假村的山脚, 再往前驶进树林里的小径大概二十分钟就必须下车徒步就到了. 这是我们第二次来了, 第一次是最辛苦的, 因为没有任何明确的路标指示. 必须问附近的居民, 然后迷了一两次路, 才能到达.

那是一条清澈见底的小河, 河水非常浅, 且十分的冷. 可是就在好几处地方从地底冒出热气, 温泉就是人们用石头把河床某些从地底发出的热气的地方包围起来所形成的. 叠成的石墙可以减缓冰冷的河水涌入, 让冒出的热气能把河水加热. 到处还可嗅到一股硫黄味.

由于温泉还没有真正被开发, 人烟稀少, 因此那儿还真是个放松心情的好地方, 边泡在泉里养颜, 边享受大自然.


Thursday, June 01, 2006



今天, 六月一号嘉华节, 是我国沙巴洲和砂朥越洲原住民的丰收节. 跟往年一样, 我们一定会到大哥工人的家拜访. 他名叫JACKSON, 住在 KAMPUNG SINGAI,比达有聚落.他们一家都很热情好客,除了茶水甜点招待, 还准备了丰富的午餐,当然也少不了他们传统自制的米酒和甘 蔗酒.最终大家都落得醉熏熏的,回到家东歪西倒的睡了整个下午.




壁花, 这个词贬多於褒. 多数人都不爱被形容成壁花--中看不中用.
可是在百忙中驻足欣赏这壁花, 不也是一件美事?

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Saw An Unique Plant

I was jogging with parents at the park nearby. There was a very unique climbing plant along the wall of the condominium which is next to the park. The shoots climb from the bottom of the wall and its in full bloom on the top of the wall. The shape of its fruit was look like pear, and wondered if it is edible. Can anyone tells what plant is it?

The whole wall was covered by the plant

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Pasir Pandak Trip (Part 2)

A VIP seat at the beach

Pasir Pandak Trip (Part 1)

This morning we went to Pasir Pandak for kayaking. Its located at half way to Santubong. Heard people said that there are Irrawady dophins at the river mouth there. Disappointed that I did not meet them, but my brothers did while they kayaking at the river.
Hian and I did faced some difficulties when the storm arrived suddenly. The wave are higher and the wind are so strong. The unstable water keep on pulling us to the Shouth China Sea when we tried to kayak back to the shore. Helplessly we kayak to the nearest beach in cold and waiting the storm over.
When the storm over and the wave of the river getting stable, we quickly used all of our energy kayak back to the shore.
This is really an exciting experience. ; )

The Santubong Mountain

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Hurray!! DAP Pending, Batu Lintang, Kota Sentosa, Meradong Rocket Succesfully launched. And Kedilan win in Padungan area!

I do not really expect there will be a big change in the near future, may be worse due to government neglect, but at least there will be an opposition voice, but not dictatorship.

A totally Democratic country is not easy to achieve, it needs many years of consciousness and tough fight.

AddOil Malaysian! Go for the brighter future!

BYE BYE... Rest peacefully...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Bumper Harvest!

This morning my 2nd brother come back from the mongoria trip, and ofcause he buy a lot of gift for us. :P According to him, he not really enjoy in this trip... guess he like "Genting" and modern city a lot, but not for the backward country.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Nauseating Bun

This afternoon we went to Serian and Ranchang waterfall since Lucian said that its been long time he went there.
When we passed by a cafe at the old shop lot,I saw lots of bun that look delicious inside the rack. I wanted one and we had a close look at the bun to choose. Suddenly Lucian pointed out that there are a lot of "black spots" inside the warmer. When we looked carefully...... it was actually gecko shit. Some of them are swollen after absorbing moisture from the steam. Yucks!!!!!!!

See! There are lots of Bombs inside...