Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Saw An Unique Plant

I was jogging with parents at the park nearby. There was a very unique climbing plant along the wall of the condominium which is next to the park. The shoots climb from the bottom of the wall and its in full bloom on the top of the wall. The shape of its fruit was look like pear, and wondered if it is edible. Can anyone tells what plant is it?

The whole wall was covered by the plant

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Pasir Pandak Trip (Part 2)

A VIP seat at the beach

Pasir Pandak Trip (Part 1)

This morning we went to Pasir Pandak for kayaking. Its located at half way to Santubong. Heard people said that there are Irrawady dophins at the river mouth there. Disappointed that I did not meet them, but my brothers did while they kayaking at the river.
Hian and I did faced some difficulties when the storm arrived suddenly. The wave are higher and the wind are so strong. The unstable water keep on pulling us to the Shouth China Sea when we tried to kayak back to the shore. Helplessly we kayak to the nearest beach in cold and waiting the storm over.
When the storm over and the wave of the river getting stable, we quickly used all of our energy kayak back to the shore.
This is really an exciting experience. ; )

The Santubong Mountain

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Hurray!! DAP Pending, Batu Lintang, Kota Sentosa, Meradong Rocket Succesfully launched. And Kedilan win in Padungan area!

I do not really expect there will be a big change in the near future, may be worse due to government neglect, but at least there will be an opposition voice, but not dictatorship.

A totally Democratic country is not easy to achieve, it needs many years of consciousness and tough fight.

AddOil Malaysian! Go for the brighter future!

BYE BYE... Rest peacefully...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Bumper Harvest!

This morning my 2nd brother come back from the mongoria trip, and ofcause he buy a lot of gift for us. :P According to him, he not really enjoy in this trip... guess he like "Genting" and modern city a lot, but not for the backward country.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Nauseating Bun

This afternoon we went to Serian and Ranchang waterfall since Lucian said that its been long time he went there.
When we passed by a cafe at the old shop lot,I saw lots of bun that look delicious inside the rack. I wanted one and we had a close look at the bun to choose. Suddenly Lucian pointed out that there are a lot of "black spots" inside the warmer. When we looked carefully...... it was actually gecko shit. Some of them are swollen after absorbing moisture from the steam. Yucks!!!!!!!

See! There are lots of Bombs inside...

Beauty In Concrete Jungle

Yesterday I visited the Rozel furniture studio with Lucian at Trevillion. I was attracted by the plant that grew along the pedestrian walk way. It was a type of climbing plant with beautiful red or yellow flowers. I can imagine how beautiful it will be one day when the plant spreads over the whole pedestrian way.

These are some of the photos that I took with my mobile phone.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

妈! 母亲节快乐!

妈, 您就像棵大树. 不管风雨有多大,

妈, 明天是五月一号母亲节. 像往年一样我们会一起出去吃一顿晚饭, 不是庆祝什么, 而是我们做孩子的感恩, 要您明天放假, 不用做家务烧饭做菜. 毕竟您一天忙到晚, 把我们从小照顾长大, 从来都不曾放假.

这些日子来, 孩子的不肖让您的头发也白了不少. 您心力绞瘁天天以累洗脸, 让我看了很心疼. 发生的已经发生了, 做过了, 说过了, 到底回头也已是百年身. 怪孩子不肖, 到现在还不回头. 可是妈, 您对孩子的爱胜过一切, 您还是原谅而且包容了孩子.

经过了这段日子, 我深切的体会了您对我们的爱. 您就是那么的爱护我们, 不问回报, 也不问为什么. 无论我们多大多老, 在您的心中我们永远是您可爱的孩子. 我也愿意永远做您可爱的小孩. 妈, 能有幸做您的孩子, 我是三生有幸啊! 多害怕岁月催人, 有一天您也会老去. 可是我心里从小到现在心中早已决定要永远的陪着您, 孝顺您.

我也很希望自己能够成材, 给您和爸爸更优渥的生活. 苦了那么多年, 是时候让孩子孝顺您了. 妈, 我在此向您说声谢谢. Posted by Picasa

Friday, May 12, 2006

Wesak Day

After the trip to our grandparents' place we went to pray at "jiu shi lin" the buddist temple. I pray that the buddha will grant me the wisdom and take away all my bad habits. I also pray for a world where there is more love and peace and less cruelty.

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Trip to Grandparents' Home

Today is my grandpa's 72nd birthday. He stays at Kota Samarahan and work as a farmer. It is not easy to visit my grandparents before because there was no other option beside the sampan across the Samarahan River. Nowadays besides the regular ferry service, one can also use the country road to reach my grandparrents' place.
I like to visit my grandparents' place not only because there is a bigger farm for me to explore but my grandparents and my aunties who stay with them are very kind and warm people. Everytime I go there, I do not wish to leave but I know that I can always visit them when i am free.

My Grandparents' House

Monday, May 08, 2006

Having Meal @ Rom Orchid Garden

This is the map and contact of the Rom Orchid Garden

After the barrage fishing at Sejingkat, i suggest to go to the Rom orchid garden restaurent to have a meal before going to futsal at Pending.
The Rom restaurent is located at Kampung Siol which is not far away from Sejingkat. The restaurent is not easy to find because it is inside the kampung. Love this place because i love malay cuisine a lot and it is great having lunch or dinner in the shade of greenery.

The entrance of Rom